Me and Jacob - Disneyland 2004

Me and Jacob - Disneyland 2004
(I'm the one with the beard)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The debate, today, as I see it

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberals want to destroy America from the inside! love your country or leave it, you liberal scumbags! liberals want to give new age counseling to genocidal terrorists and let them vent their frustrations by killing innocent Americans! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberals want to outlaw Christianity and force us to burn our Bibles while they force feed our children commie-atheist-pagan dogma! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! left-wing organizations like Media Matters want to distort all the truth we tell in the fair and balanced media to make it look like lies so that they can continue to impose their radical agenda for secularizing all facets of American life and selling our most cherished institutions to a Venezuelan dictator who funnels money to a Greek immigrant billionaire bent on putting all of Washington in his pocket! they want to install a homosexual pedophile in the White House and outlaw Christmas! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-Uh, excuse me. Actually, nothing you’ve said thus far is based in truth or fact. We’d really like to put an end to the partisan name-calling and elevate the debate, so that all Americans, regardless of their political or spiritual ideologies, can benefit from the freedom and opportunity this country proposes to offer.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you’re the ones who do all the name calling! you’re the ones who keep the debate in the gutter! you’re the ones who try to restrict people’s freedom and opportunity! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you hate America so much that you want to open the borders and let illegal immigrants flood the country so you can raise our taxes beyond all conception and give the immigrants free money so they can take over our businesses and our institutions and turn our beautiful land into a polyglot Socialist empire! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-We want this country to continue to be open to those who want to immigrate and work hard and learn the language in a reasonable amount of time, just like our ancestors were able to do. We think it would be a mistake to close our borders and cease to welcome new culture and new ideas simply because of the actions of a small percentage of those who enter illegally and subvert the rules, although we do acknowledge that in many of those cases, they do so because they are trying to escape crushing poverty and threats to their lives. We do not favor giving welfare or other entitlements to able-bodied adults, although we believe that educating their children in our language and culture will only benefit this country.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you liberals dominate all the media and try to brainwash our good Christian children with your lies in order to make them hate America and turn gay and turn their backs on Jesus and sell out our way of life to evil Arabs and evil communists and evil Muslims who want to kill us all but you don’t mind if they kill us all because you want to kill our children before they’re even born and before they grow past clumps of cells! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you own Hollywood and you make your liberal propaganda movies that glorify oral sex and violence against good Christians because Hollywood is all a bunch of liberal secular Jews who hate Jesus and want to ostracize good people like Mel Gibson who tell the truth about gays and liberals and Jews and Muslims! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-You know that we support the ideals of the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees freedom for all religions but prohibits the establishment of a state religion or the domination of the public sphere by the religion chosen by the majority. And we disagree that our nation’s laws, and the laws of our individual states, should be based upon the dogma and the established prejudices espoused by the majority religion. We believe all people, including homosexuals and even those who despise the tenets of Judeo-Christian worship and culture, should have the right to make their voices heard and to do so without fear of institutional reprisals such as the loss of their jobs or homes or the institution of autocratic modes of surveillance designed primarily to disenfranchise and/or silence them.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you liberals want to force our children to learn your so-called science when you can’t prove theories like evolution beyond a shadow of a doubt but you insist that if we want to call our beliefs science that we have to prove them beyond a shadow of a doubt and when we want to teach children in our public schools that our taxes pay for that there are other scientific theories that contradict your liberal theories you get your activist judges to rule that we can’t even talk about God or Jesus or the Bible in our public schools that our taxes pay for and then you won’t let us have vouchers to take our children out of those public schools and send them to private schools where they’ll learn the things that we want them to learn! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-No respectable scientist believes that all scientific theories must be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. We simply feel that if we’re going to teach impressionable children that something is scientific fact or viable scientific theory, there should be some scientific evidence to support the fact or theory in question. Spiritual beliefs, as well as conjecture based upon unauthenticated biblical prophecy, while perfectly acceptable in a house of worship, are not objective, nor are they subject to objective peer review and statistical analysis, and so we simply cannot justify calling them science for the purposes of preparing children to live in the real world and to think pragmatically. You can educate your children with regard to your spiritual beliefs any way you like, and to any degree you like, in your churches, and no one will condemn or attempt to undermine your efforts. But the public schools are public, paid for by everyone’s taxes, and they need to present the facts and other undistorted information to everyone’s children so those children can grow up to function in a society where everyone can agree about the basic facts and information.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you call us racists and force affirmative action down our throats when it’s obviously not helping minorities at all and is just your way of perpetuating racism by making the so-called beneficiaries beholden to the system that you liberals control! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! we need to wipe out affirmative action just like we need to wipe out all entitlement programs and social security and immigration and Head Start because they’re all failures because they don’t work exactly the way they were supposedly meant to work when they were designed! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-We concede that in our zeal to try and make up for some of the inequities faced by minorities, especially African-Americans, in this country since its founding, we may have created a system that’s quite a bit more paternalistic than we’d intended. However, that doesn’t render the entire system worthless, and a lot of people, as well as a country that has always claimed to be the “land of opportunity,” have benefited from the affirmative action programs, just like a lot of people have benefited from entitlement programs and social security and Head Start. The programs may not have worked exactly the way they were envisioned, and indeed few bureaucratic programs of such magnitude ever do, but they have done a lot more good than harm, and we simply don’t believe in throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Perhaps instead of taking an all-or-nothing stance, our two sides could work together on a compromise program that allows more flexibility, works more efficiently and, in the long run, is more effective at providing the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you don’t want compromise! you just want more and more and more government handouts courtesy of our ever-rising taxes which you just steal from hard-working capitalists and give to lazy welfare cases who do nothing but sponge off the system and have babies they can’t afford and get the government to pay them for raising those babies to be crooks and drunkards, or else they get the government to pay for their abortions! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! and then you make an honest, hard-working Christian existence impossible for honest, hard-working Christians because you pass laws to force us to share our neighborhood with homosexuals and hedonists while you tell us we can’t smoke anywhere or pray anywhere or share our neighborhoods with other honest, hard-working Christians! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-Why does sharing your neighborhood with other Christians preclude you from welcoming other honest and hard-working people into the fold in addition to those who share your beliefs? Must we all live exclusively with those who share our spiritual beliefs? Is that the way to make this country a “melting pot?” Isn’t gentrification exactly what you accuse immigrant groups of seeking when you argue that they don’t want to be part of America?

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! the founding fathers founded America as a CHRISTIAN NATION, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be forever! but you liberals want to make it okay to hate Christians and make it illegal to talk about Jesus and Christianity while encouraging people to glorify Allah and Joseph Smith and Satan and all those other false deities because you liberals hate Christians and by extension you hate the Great CHRISTIAN NATION of America! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-There it is, then. You honestly believe this is a Christian nation, and that all laws should be based upon Christian dogma? What about the provisions in the Constitution, which was meant by the founders to be the law of the land, that prohibit establishing an official state religion or requiring a religious test to become the nation’s leader? Do you deny these elements of the Constitution? Where, exactly, is it written, that the United States of America was established to be, or is meant to be, a Christian nation? Isn’t that just a specious claim you employ in order to justify basing all of our laws on Christian dogma, which in fact blatantly violates the Constitution?

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! our laws ARE based on the Bible, and the ones that aren’t SHOULD BE, because the Bible is the absolute truth as handed down by God Almighty, and no blasphemous secular propaganda can override God’s truth! but you just want to suppress that truth, or destroy it entirely, because it makes you anti-Christians feel more comfortable pursuing your evil, hedonistic, Satanic lifestyles in violation of all decency and morality! God wants us to glorify His sanctity and sanctify His glory everywhere and in all things, but in the hedonistic environment you so desperately want to protect, you feel so threatened by the truth that you don’t want to face it anywhere for any reason! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-Why can’t Christians worship in their homes and houses of worship, display their religious symbols on their persons and personal property, and discuss their religious beliefs and obligations freely among their families, friends and fellow Christians, and members of all other religious denominations can feel free to do the same? Why do Christians insist that all public and private spheres be aggressively Christian and that all public arenas be adorned with Christian symbols and language? Are Christians so insecure that not only are they the only religion that must be reminded of their religious identity everywhere they go, public and private, but that they must remind everyone else of their Christian religious identity in all walks of public life? Does a nativity scene in a town square make you feel more Christian? Does it make America more Christian? Conversely, does not having a nativity scene in the town square make you feel less Christian? No one is suggesting you can’t display anything you like at your churches and in your homes, but you always complain of being so embattled because we want to keep the public sphere equally welcoming to all.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you lying liberals just keep telling all your liberal lies to perpetuate your lying liberal agenda! that’s why you tell your lies about our conservative politicians who are trying to pass laws to make this country decent and moral! you tell your liberal lies and then use your liberal media to make our honest and decent leaders look like they’ve done something wrong! you’re all a bunch of self-aggrandizing hypocrites, and you just want this country run by laws promoting hedonism and homosexuality and secularism and liberalism! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-The mass media in this country are owned and operated, by and large, by a very small number of very wealthy corporate leaders. These are people who believe in, and benefit greatly from, capitalism and its ideals. We would have preferred a broader spectrum of mass media operators presenting news and information from a variety of different perspectives, but your demands for less and less regulation have left the mass media a corporate monolith. It doesn’t seem that left-leaning to us, but if you want it changed, why not apply to those same corporate leaders. They’re clearly capitalists, in many cases Republicans, and they seem to be far more interested in money than in ideology, so if you can convince them that allowing a hard-right ideology to dominate the content they distribute would be in their financial interests, you can probably eliminate the liberal media you so loudly decry. But first you’ll probably have to convince them it exists in the first place and that it harms their bottom line.

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! lib....

-And we’ve explained quite reasonably why we promote secularism. As for your contention that there is a homosexual agenda, or one promoting hedonism, do you have any evidence to back this claim, other than the seemingly uniform desire of homosexuals to be treated like anyone else and the desire of most Americans to keep free even that expression they find repugnant? We contend that children, even teenagers who are taught the right values and have those values reinforced by the example of their families and community will eschew the so-called hedonism you allege that we promote. Now if we could only get your leaders and prominent politicians to eschew the same hedonism and adhere to the “values” you so stridently claim to champion. As for the unconscionable hypocrisy of which you forever accuse us, tell us again, how many conservative politicians have been arrested and, yes, convicted of lewd sexual misconduct and even more egregious sex-related violations of the law since President Bush and all those hardcore family values conservatives swept into office in 2000?

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! you want to undermine all of our value-based laws using your activist judges because you HATE our values! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-What is an activist judge? Someone who strikes down a statute or lower court ruling because he/she interprets that it’s a violation of the U.S. Constitution? And we don’t hate your values. We agree with some and disagree with others, but we’d like you to acknowledge that they are your values. We’d like to give individuals the opportunity to make up their own minds when it comes to values rather than having your values enforced upon everyone by law. The question remains, though, do you hate our values because they don’t always align with yours?

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! if you really believe in any values, then you still have a lot to answer for when it comes to Clinton, with all the shenanigans he pulled, and all his immoral conduct! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-How do we have anything more to answer for when it comes to Clinton? Clinton is not our entire party, and while we admire him and think he did a GREAT JOB as president, not everything he does reflects our party’s values and not everything our party values reflects him. He’s a man, a human, and capable of flaws and mistakes. But that’s not even the issue. Clinton has answered for more than any other politician in history, thanks to your endless desire for eight years to have the president not run the country but rather sweat it out before a star chamber whose every proclaimed value turned out to be a lie. Clinton has answered for enough flaws, mistakes, missteps and shortcomings to cover any three presidents, dating back to the misjudgments everyone makes as a teenager, and yet today, all these years after he left office, you’re still trying to pin things on him. But when it comes to the litany of flaws, mistakes, missteps, shortcomings and flat-out criminal acts committed by our current leader, whose drug- and alcohol-riddled past we’re not even allowed to make passing mention of, you all cough and stammer and then hurried force the conversation back around to everything Clinton did wrong and the Democrats have ever done wrong. Why not just face it already, when it comes to moral superiority, you don’t have a toe to stand on, much less a leg, so let’s stop spending all our time placing blame and start working to try and fix the damn problems!

liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!
liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal! liberal!

-Look, our stance is basically this: We want to make laws to include everyone, to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally, to prevent one group or class from using the law to wield undue power and influence over other citizens and over the government. We want good, law-abiding people of all faiths and all stripes to be able to live their lives freely, to pursue happiness as they define it as long as it doesn’t bring harm to others, and to be comfortable in their own skin without fear of ostracism by particular institutions with which they have to interact on a regular basis, or by society at large. We want people to be able to find homes, attend schools, do their jobs and transact business without feeling like they’re unwelcome because of who they are or what they believe.

We are as stalwart as you are in our desire to protect this nation and the freedoms it affords, and we acknowledge that sometimes that requires military action. But we think such action should be a last resort, not an option to be chosen whenever things don’t go our way in the global community. We don’t advocate hatred in any form, and if you think that tolerance and acceptance means we have to tolerate and accept your hatred of people who don’t conform to your fundamental beliefs, then no, we will neither tolerate nor accept you as an equal player in any conversation regarding freedom or justice, because you are woefully misguided on both counts.

We have no desire, none, to prevent you from believing what you wish or worshipping how you wish or living according to your beliefs. Your family and your property are your business until you choose to make either a part of the public arena, by sending your children to public school or by opting to participate in the open market. Then there will be rules by which you’ll have to abide, and no, you don’t get to decide what those rules are and then insist that God wants it that way. We have no clear and convincing evidence that God speaks through any of you, and until we do, we’ll continue to think for ourselves and to encourage everyone, everywhere to do the same.

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